Daily Archives: March 17, 2015



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‘Tis the coming of spring. Time to clean out all the accumulated dirt, air the inside, and let the sun into the soul!

“The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg,
and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs.”
James Allen
Kabir – The couplet
तन को जोगी सब करे, मन को बिरला कोई ।
सहजै सब बिधि पाइए, जो मन जोगी होइ ॥
Tan Ko Jogi Sab Kare, Man Ko Birla Koi |
Sahajai Sab Bidhi Paiye, Jo Man Jogi Hoi ||
Everyone puts on an external show of being faithful, but few let faith penetrate into the heart |
He will find all within easy grasp, who becomes a saint at heart ||
My understanding:
The cycle of seasons teaches us its own lessons, with Mother Nature as the teacher. After the cold of winter, the heady rush of spring pushes through new growth, awakening and releasing all the stored energy from the long rest. Fresh air blows through, blowing away the dust that has gathered, and the sun warms and awakens the slumber of even the one in the darkest of recesses.  As spring turns to summer, growth matures, and lessons firm up. Autumn brings with it nurturing rain, bathing us with invigorating showers, before preparing us for the slumber that will allow tired bodies to take a well-deserved rest, before stepping into the next cycle of growth, learning and fresh activity.

But all of this happens only when the energies of the cycle touch and work on the inside, the core, the soul. If it is only the outside that is painted to look clean, the inside slowly rots and wastes away, till it can no longer support the external façade. At that point, the entire edifice crumples and comes down into another sorry heap.

So let life warm us up from the inside, and let us allow the warmth penetrate to the deepest recesses of our being – then we can truly understand and enjoy being alive!