In Praise of Time, Our Dear Old Friend

Oh, punctuality! You art divine,
A virtue we embrace, in clocks we find.
With tick and tock, you guide us through our days,
An orchestra of seconds in harmonious phrase.

From dawn to dusk, you keep us on our toes,
And gently prompt, "It's time for work, let's go!"
With cheerful chimes you tell us, "Take a break"
And help prevent a nightly headache.

Never late nor early, always on point,
For meetings and appointments shall not disappoint.
Like rabbits racing 'gainst a crafty hare,
Timing is essential; moments matter if we care!

But let's not take your guidance too severe,
For life too needs some playful twists in gear.
You wink at us when sliding in the door,
As boss once toast'd with us the night before.

So as you move along this rhythmic dance,
Remind us punctuality to enhance.
Tick-tock - no haste but never late embrace!
Yet soothe the pace with an occasional grace.
