Message in a bottle (er.. web strand…) My life – a stairway to infinity

Why do days seem to walk ahead?
Children dance – why can’t I?
Green should be my color of choice.
Dawn should be the beginning of each new beginning!

Yes – I ramble!
So how does that make it any different?
Blue is but a mood that expresses a shape of the persona!

Free is another confusion!
Since when did a word just mean only what it said?
Man is but emotion expressed.
Find one, and the next illusion starts

Aim high – time cycles but life only progresses.
Appearances deceive – but truth is right in front of you
Parrots do not sing in the rain – but rain is its own song, needing no other
Rapidly does each space find its end – but opens just as quickly to the next
Shields go up only when there is a need to block.

True joy is in simple spaces
When a smile lights a room, why look to complicate the moment?
See with the mind – the eyes only deceive!

New beginnings follow on the heels of each ending
We have to keep following the path time pts in front of us!
Vexation is but an expression of the confused mind
Lasting joy comes only when we overcome the momentary impulse!

Seasons are Nature’s reaffirmation of its belief in the cyclic way
At each change is a shift to a different expression of bliss
Branched forks do not exist – nor do tangents – this is a clean loop
a Brigand it is not – it leads me the one way only and no other!
While I, not knowing better, do my best to tear away from its gentle lead and land in the quicksand..

Is it right to say I am blind?
Is the mystery of my own making, a mirage created by me and my confusion?

Right or wrong, here I stand
Seeking to find – ready to listen
Starting my next step as a very new beginning
Ready to learn what life will teach
Ready to listen – are you ready to speak?

– Mani