A Planet Too Far

There is a world beyond our reach,
A planet in the vastness of space,
Where conflict reigns and souls beseech,
For peace to come and take its place.

A planet too far, yet close in mind,
Where lives are lost and tears are shed,
Where hatred rules and love is blind,
And hope seems but a fleeting thread.

On this planet, war is king,
And violence rules with iron hand,
As bombs rain down and sirens sing,
The people of this world must stand.

But how to stand against such might,
Against the weapons of war and death,
How to turn darkness into light,
And bring back hope with every breath.

For on this planet too far away,
Lies a lesson for us all to learn,
That conflict only leads astray,
And peace is what we must yearn.

So let us strive for unity,
And stand together as one,
And from this conflict we will see,
A new world that has just begun.

For in the end, it is clear,
That a planet too far is not so different from here,
And the peace we seek is not so far,
If we hold hands and reach for the stars.
