Creation, sustenance, dissolution – the three continuous functions that Mother Lalitha always attends to! (Stanabhāra-dalanmadhya-paṭṭabandha-valitrayā)

In the realm of cosmic dance, where stars align,
There exists a deity, both fierce and kind,
She weaves the tapestry of life with tender care,
The ultimate creator, the burden she bears.

With hands of grace, she shapes each universe's frame,
Crafting galaxies and worlds with a divine aim,
She nurtures existence with love profound,
From birth's first cry to the silence of death's sound.

Yet as she tends to creation's delicate bloom,
A tender weight upon her bosom finds room,
A testament to the depths of her compassion's hold,
A sacred secret of which legends are told.

Her stomach bears the folds, a testament true,
For within her being, her love breaks through,
An emerald tapestry, where worlds unfold,
A gentle reminder of the stories yet untold.

And in her infinite wisdom, she adorns her waist,
With a golden belt, sturdy, steadfast, embraced,
A symbol of support, a burden shared,
An ode to the love she selflessly declared.

For she, the Goddess, carries the weight of it all,
The ebb and flow of creation's rise and fall,
Her folds, a reminder of her boundless grace,
Her golden belt, a symbol of strength in embrace.

So let us behold her, in awe and deep reverence,
For her compassionate heart, its eternal presence,
In her cosmic dance, she nurtures every soul,
With folds of compassion, where the universe extols.
