Her Eyebrows, the entrance to desires untold! (Vadanasmara-māṅgalya-gṛhatoraṇa-cillikā)

In Lalitha's visage, a divine tale unfolds,
Where love's essence resides, a story untold.
Her countenance, a palace of exquisite grace,
A reflection of the god of desire's own dwelling place.

Like an enchanting palace, mystical and grand,
Her face shimmers, crafted by love's gentle hand.
And at its gateway, where desire finds its way,
Lies the radiant charm of eyebrows, Cillikā, they say.

These graceful arches, a celestial symphony,
Bestow enchantment upon love's sweet journey.
With the elegance of festoons, they gently sway,
Inviting all souls to Kamaraja's abode to stray.

Like tendrils of longing, they entwine and enthrall,
A pathway to passions that beckon and call.
In their tender embrace, desire takes flight,
Unveiling the secrets of love's magical might.

In Mother Lalitha's eyes, the ardor ignites,
As Kamaraja's essence fills the starry nights.
With a subtle quiver, her brows speak the tale,
Of fervent desires that forever prevail.

Her eyebrows, like silk threads spun with desire,
Guide us through yearnings, higher and higher.
They adorn the palace of Kama's true might,
Leading us to realms of pleasure and delight.

Oh, Mother Lalitha, in your divine grace,
You reveal love's secrets, in every embrace.
May your eyebrows forever guide our way,
To Kamaraja's palace, where passions hold sway.
