Her nose as pretty as a magnolia flower – with fragrant breath that soothes and relaxes (Navacampaka-puṣpābha-nāsadaṇḍa-virājitā)

In the realm of beauty, there resides a queen,
Mother Lalitha, with a nose serene.
A marvel of grace, enchanting and fair,
Like a Magnolia, unfolding with flair.

Her nose, a wonder, a delicate bloom,
Radiating charm, dispelling all gloom.
With every breath, a fragrance divine,
Reviving souls, like a sacred shrine.

Oh, Mother Lalitha, your breath so pure,
Bringing solace, a remedy sure.
A symphony of scents, delicate and rare,
A balm for the weary, in your gentle care.

Like petals unfurling, your nostrils embrace,
A world of fragrances, in boundless grace.
With each inhale, new life you bestow,
Nurturing hearts, with love's overflow.

Your breath, a potion, serene and sweet,
Easing burdens, making troubles retreat.
A soothing elixir, for body and mind,
In its tranquil embrace, solace we find.

Oh, Mother Lalitha, your nose divine,
An emblem of beauty, forever to shine.
As the Magnolia blooms with splendor anew,
Your presence enchants, our spirits renew.

In reverence, we marvel at your grace,
For your nose, a gift, in this sacred space.
May your breath forever continue to bless,
And guide us to realms of eternal caress.

Mother Lalitha, your nose we extol,
A symbol of beauty, captivating the soul.
With every breath, we feel your embrace,
And find refuge in your fragrant grace.