Two knees, each a delicate shade of pink, strong yet delicate, the crowns on the thighs! (Māṇikya-mukuṭākāra-jānudvaya-virājitā)

Oh, Mother Lalitha, divine and serene,
Your knees, delicate hues of red and pink, gleam,
Like resplendent crowns upon your thighs,
They bear the weight of creation, a marvelous guise.

With grace and elegance, they adorn your frame,
An ornament of strength, a celestial acclaim,
For in their form, a tale is told,
Of the burdens you carry, effortlessly bold.

Each bend and flex, a testament clear,
To the weight you bear, without any fear,
They speak of responsibility, profound and true,
As creation's architect, it is all thanks to you.

Oh, how they showcase your divine grace,
Carrying the world with an ethereal embrace,
Your knees, a symbol of power and ease,
Revealing the secrets of cosmic mysteries.

In their presence, we find solace and peace,
As your majestic knees bring our hearts release,
Mother Lalitha, we marvel at your might,
Through your knees, creation's burdens take flight.
