Tired but triumphant!

Weary limbs and aching bones,
Endless toil and endless groans,
Struggle is the path we tread,
But in its midst, we find instead,

A strength we never knew we had,
A resilience that keeps us glad,
For in the midst of toil and strife,
We learn to cherish each small slice,

Of peace and joy that comes our way,
And hold on tight throughout the day,
For we know the worth of rest,
And in our weariness, we are blessed,

With the knowledge that we have fought,
And through our struggles we have wrought,
A life of meaning, depth and worth,
That's measured not by gold or mirth,

But by the strength within our hearts,
That keeps us going through the parts,
Of life that seem so bleak and hard,
Yet make us stronger in our guard,

Against the trials that will come,
For in our weariness, we've become,
The warriors that we need to be,
To face life's challenges, bold and free.

So let us cherish weariness,
For in it lies the strength to bless,
Our lives with purpose, hope and love,
And make us soar on wings above.
