To the Mother of All Creation

Born from the mountains, with strength so grand,
Parvathi, the daughter, of earth and land,
With her grace and beauty, she stole hearts,
And soon became known as the queen of arts.

As a young girl, she was known for her might,
Her determination, her will to fight,
But as she grew, she became much more,
A symbol of love, of peace, and much more.

She married Lord Shiva, and took her place,
As the mother of all creation, with grace,
Her virtues and blessings, so pure and divine,
Guiding us through life, with her love so fine.

Her unwavering devotion, an endless stream,
Filling our hearts, with hope and dreams,
Her compassion and kindness, like a gentle breeze,
Leading us to a life, that's free and at ease.

With her hand of protection, she shields us all,
From harm and danger, great and small,
Her strength and wisdom, an eternal flame,
Guiding us through life, with the grace of a grand dame.

Oh, Mother Parvathi, we bow to thee,
For you are the epitome of purity,
May your blessings and grace, forever flow,
Guiding us through life, with love and glow.

From the mountains you came, with strength so grand,
To become the mother, of all creation, so grand,
May your blessings and virtues, forever shine,
Guiding us through life, with love divine.
