

Finding Freedom Within (2 very short stories)

Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Maya who lived in a small village at the foot of a mountain. Maya had always dreamed of traveling the world and experiencing new things, but her family and the traditions of her village kept her confined to a small, narrow life.

One day, Maya decided that she had had enough. She knew that the only way she could ever experience true freedom was to find it within herself. Maya began to meditate and focus on her inner thoughts, and she discovered that her mind was a vast and infinite landscape filled with possibility and wonder.

As Maya explored the depths of her mind, she began to feel more and more free. She realized that the limitations that had been holding her back were nothing more than illusions that she had created for herself. Maya discovered that she had the power to create her own reality and live the life she had always dreamed of.

With her newfound sense of freedom, Maya set out on a journey of self-discovery. She traveled the world, met new people, and had adventures that she had never even imagined were possible. Along the way, Maya continued to explore the depths of her mind, finding new levels of freedom and enlightenment with each passing day.

Eventually, Maya returned to her village, but she was no longer the same person who had left it. She was filled with a sense of peace and contentment that radiated from within her. Maya had found the freedom she had been searching for all along, and it had been right there within her own mind.


Once upon a time, there were three friends named Jagan, Swati, and Tomar. They were young and ambitious, and each had a burning desire for something different.

Jagan wanted wealth and success, Swati craved adventure and thrill, while Tomar yearned for true love and companionship. However, as time went on, they began to realize that their desires were not bringing them the happiness they had hoped for.

One day, the three friends found themselves lost in a dense forest. They were tired, hungry, and their desires had only brought them deeper into the wilderness. They began to argue, each blaming the other for their predicament.

But then, they stumbled upon an old, wise sage who lived in the forest. The sage listened patiently to their complaints and offered them a challenge: to give up their desires for just one day and see what happens.

Jagan, Swati, and Tomar were hesitant at first, but they decided to take the sage's advice. They gave up their desires and began to explore the forest without any expectations. As they walked, they noticed the beauty of the forest and the wildlife that surrounded them.

Slowly, they began to understand that their desires had blinded them from the beauty of life. They realized that true freedom came from living in the present moment and appreciating the simple things.

As the sun began to set, the three friends found their way out of the forest and returned to their homes. They hugged each other tightly, thankful for the experience and the newfound realization that they didn't need their desires to be happy.

From that day on, Jagan, Swati, and Tomar lived their lives without the burden of their desires. They found joy in the present and embraced every moment as it came. They learned that true freedom comes from letting go of what we think we need and appreciating what we already have.