Daily Archives: September 29, 2010



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The now is all we have – the past is experience, the future is a hope and a plan!

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me.”

Erma Bombeck

The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth.  – Chinese Proverb

Kabir – The couplet

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Jeevat Samjhe Jeevat Bujhe, Jeevat He Karo Aas |

Jeevat Karam Ki Fansi Na Kaati, Mue Mukti Ki Aas ||


The living can see, the living can realize, we can liberate ourselves only when alive |

If we do not free the self from bondage while living, the soul has no hope of freedom after death! ||

My understanding:

Tomorrow so consumes our daily moments, we forget about the now, and rarely research the why of where we are at the moment (this moment, now – the one that was a possiblity some time ago and is but a memory now).

When I sing, I forget to focus on the music’s interaction on my self and focus on the effect it has on the audience around – forgetting that if I cannot please myself, how will I ever please the world?

When I am at work, my thoughts are on the evening’s plans – when the evening is here, I worry about the next day’s jobs. If I force myself to focus, I dwell too long in the past and what I may have done different – all the time, giving up the precious now, which is the only space where I can make it be exactly what I want it to be, what I feel it needs to be – if only I could stay in the moment ..

If I cannot for a moment focus on the now and make this moment all it can be, of what use is a life filled with a lifetime of moments contemplating other moments without beginning or end?