Daily Archives: March 29, 2024

Staying superficial gets us nowhere!

“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” Oprah Winfrey

Kabir – The couplet
“काहू काही समुझावत, रे काहू काही समुझै।
सार श्रृंगार दोऊ की जानत, सार श्रृंगार में जाई॥”

“Kaahu kaahi samajhaavat, re kaahu kaahi samujhai |
Saar sringaar dou ki jaanat, saar sringaar mein jaai ||”

“Who’s persuading whom, and who’s understanding whom?
Only the true lovers know the essence of love, entering into its depths.”

My Understanding
Kabir’s beautiful doha taps into the very heart of what love and understanding mean. It suggests that the labels and roles society gives us are meaningless when it comes to finding true connection. To really know and cherish someone, we need to look beyond the surface and embrace what lies beneath. It’s about diving into the depths of a person’s soul, understanding their hopes, fears, and authentic self.

Oprah’s wise words highlight how important integrity is, especially when no one is watching. It’s easy to be good when others are around, but true character shows up when we think no one is looking. Doing what’s right because it’s the right thing to do, not for applause or recognition, now that’s integrity. And that kind of authenticity is what builds lasting relationships and a life of true fulfillment.

These two messages come together to remind us that real relationships and meaningful actions require us to go deeper. We need to move beyond the facades we put on for the world and embody understanding, integrity, and genuine connection in all we do. Because when we do that, we create a life and relationships that are rich with love, trust, and fulfillment.