Daily Archives: May 7, 2024



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Look inside the self – that is where peace resides.

“The only journey is the journey within!” — Rainer Maria Rilke

Kabir – The couplet
हरि संगत शीतल भया, मिटी मोह की ताप ।
निश्वासर सुख निधि, लहा अंगटा आप ||
Hari sangat sheetal bhaya, miti moh ki taap|
Nishwasar sukh nidhi, laha angata aap||
In the company of the Divine, it becomes cool, the heat of attachment dissipates|
With every breath, find the treasure of happiness, realize your own essence||
My understanding:
Rilke’s quote beautifully captures the idea that the most rewarding adventure we’ll ever embark on is the one within ourselves. When I read Rilke’s words, I’m reminded that the most profound journey is the one that illuminates our inner world. It echoes Kabir’s wisdom that genuine fulfillment blooms when we tune into our own hearts and souls, rather than chasing after outward success or possessions. Kabir’s poetry also whispers that true contentment springs from embracing our authentic selves, not from external validation or accolades. This perspective feels like an invitation to dance with our own spirits, to celebrate our unique growth, and to bask in the warm joy that radiates from understanding ourselves on the deepest level.