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Kabir Day 44

A long gap since I last wrote to this list. A unique set of personal circumstances caused the hiatus as I struggled to find reason to write, to share, to expand. But suffice it is to say that I have found a light source at the end of another tunnel.

So today’s couplet and thought focuses on talking too much without saying anything (and no, that is not limited to the concept of politicians alone).

To all the mothers of the world, HAPPY MOTHER’s DAY ! The mother is the other end of the talk spectrum , sharing without saying, giving without expecting, an everlasting fountain of love, care, compassion and all the good the world can afford!

Talking to Myself

“Lord knows I can’t save the world. Yet I have this silly little thought in the back of my head telling me I can. I can’t even understand why I do the things I do sometimes, let alone tell someone else what is right and wrong for them. I guess I’ll just bless those that come in contact with me and keep it moving. I don’t have the energy and intelligence to save them all… and then I ask myself, “Who am I to criticize someone for how they are living?” It is easy to slander someone when I am on the outside looking in. I am sure even the Somalian pirates have rhyme and reason as to why they do what they do. Who knows what motivates or provokes people to do what they do? I believe there are bigger driving forces in life then just money alone. Maybe knowledge isn’t for everyone. Who am I to say that ignorance isn’t serving some significant purpose? Ignorance keeps many people employed on many levels in today’s society.”

– The Mind of Maurice Clarett (http://mauriceclarett.wordpress.com/2009/04/29/talking-to-myself/ )

Kabir Day 44:

The couplet transliterated:

Karni bina kathani kahai, agyani din raat |
Kukar jyun bhukat phirai, suni sunai baat ||


The ignorant does prattle away without sense, day and night|
Akin to the wild dog, wandering, hungry but full of noise ||

My understanding:

Kabir has not left much to the imagination here. Every day, we see evidence of this around us, and often enough, I know I succumb to the temptation of talking even when I have nothing to say.

Compare this to the mother and her effort every moment – silently taking all that is thrust at her, and yet overflowing with love, care, compassion and true effort to create the best person as only she can. So maybe we can take lessons from this wonderful presence who graces our life every moment, and thank the Lord for this Gift that reminds us every moment of the Grace of Creation while staying true to the science of the physical world!

We talk without end, and nary a one listens. God says nothing, yet fills our every moment with Grace. I hear, and will say no more now. But I will be back tomorrow with more, for I am Human!

HAPPY MOTHER’s DAY to all mothers again!

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