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God did not choose names – we choose them instead – and then bind to the name instead of the God they are meant to represent!

“How strange that Nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude!”
– Emily Dickinson
Kabir – The couplet
दास बनना कठिन है, मैं दासों का दास ।
अब तो ऐसा होए रहूँ, पाँव तले की घास ||
Pakhaa pakhi ke kaarane, sab jag rahaa bhulaan |
Nirpakh hoi ke hari bhaje, soi sant sujaan ||

Having chosen different paths (religions), everyone is lost in differentiating theirs as the best|
The One who is not bound by religions, not differentiating, is the true saint||

My understanding:
We begin our journey towards God with simple small prayers. From there we migrate to meditation and introspection. Just before we flower from there to enjoying the glow of the inner radiance, we trap ourselves in the prison of ritual and social one-upmanship.

The One that has provided this life does not respond to just one name or to just one form of worship or address. Do you really see a difference in one baby to the next? Are they not each full of the same joy and radiance, blessing us all with their bliss?

Here is a clarion call to free ourselves of the bindings of social temperance, to participate without being bound, to serve without expectation, to give because it is the only thing to do. The desire for reward is the first step into a darkness that will bind us for many many lives.

When we understand that it is only the body that is time bound, and that the soul within is not a slave to the clock, we can fully open our perception to the true nature of possibilities presented to us.

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