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When we find God’s presence, we find that we have found all that needs finding!

“In our stillness, we acknowledge God’s greatness and we are at peace in our life. Stillness saturates us in the Presence of God.”
– E’yen A. Gardner, Humbly Submitting to Change – The Wilderness Experience
Kabir – The couplet
हरि संगत शीतल भया, मिटी मोह की ताप।
निशिवसर सुख निधि, लहा अन्न प्रगत आप॥
Hari Sangat Sheetal Bhaya, Miti Moh Ki Aag |
Nishiwasar Sukh Nidhi, Laha Ann Pragata Aap ||
The company of God is calming, it frees you from the flames of desire|
Eternal bliss will surround you, all you need will be made available||
My understanding:
So here is a different way to look at life. When we submit to the presence man commonly refers to as God, truly submit, we give up our tenuous hold on ego, desire, craving and the like. For in the presence of the One everything is already there – and there can be no want.

Only after arriving in a room with no light, where even the deepest peering provides no input to the eyes, do we really learn to use our other sensory organs, and then we discover the magic we always had access to but chose to blithely ignore. Similarly, when we finally relax enough to allow God to take our hand, we suddenly realize that all the effort we had been putting out to do/be/think was for naught – in this space, everything happens without effort.

Having realized that, we then become aware of the true bounty that life really is – the gift that continues to teach and reward without end. This gift in reality has no peer, for it teaches us positively even through failure and absence of our response or our lack of knowledge and understanding!

And all this while taking care of our every need!

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