Seek to give, strive to serve, and receive eternal joy boundlessly!

“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.”

– Kahlil Gibran

Kabir – The couplet

कागा काको धन हरै, कोयल काको देत |

मीठा शब्द सुनाये के , जग अपनो कर लेत।|


kaga kako dhan harai, koel kako det |

Meetha sabd sunai ke, jag aapno kari let ||


The crow does not take anyone’s wealth, the cuckoo does not give to anyone |

It turns the world to itself only by speaking in a sweet voice ||

My understanding:

The more technology and information work to inform us of extensive detail all around us, the human has focused deeper on instant gratification and trying to find satisfaction in possession. But our culture, the wisdom of our ancients and our own instinct tells us that giving, not taking or holding, has the real key to unlock the door to satisfaction and inner peace.Even as we learn and hone this lesson and work to internalize it, a key item is missed – possession is not just physical. The mind keeps more junk locked away in the folds of memory than we are willing to accept. So after every spring cleaning in the house, we need to practice the same effort in the mind – give up those negative memories, cleanse out the uncertainties in the mind and forgive every imagined or perceived slight and negative word/thought. This will arm us with the right perspective and the ability to step into each moment with the innocence of the new-born – and receive nature’s bounty continuously in bounds!

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